Where is My Potential?

“Don’t look at your potential, it might be too bright and lead you blind”

Potential is a vague term. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to quantify and accurately predict potential. However, uncertainty in our potential assists in driving our internal motivation gauge to the roof (given that we are passionate about what we are doing, otherwise why would we be addressing our potential so deeply in that subject/category). Setting a finish line in our minds for our potential (artificial potential) can be mentally restrictive, and may cause us to rest in our laurels before we achieve our natural potential. I must clarify; this is unrelated towards setting benchmarks, objectives, or key performance indicators, on the contrary I believe these to be great self-satisfaction rewards that drive motivation for further achievements. Quantifying or drawing a line on potential is different because there is no forward improvement after that. Our predetermined potential in our heads may (consciously or subconsciously) lead us to improve according to the “plan” rather than improve at the highest order which nature approves of.

Sometimes artificial potential (AP) is set at an overly high grade, higher than one’s natural potential (NP). This is a fault in a person’s perception of him/herself, which could act as a demotivator when the person senses his natural inability to reach his AP well before hitting his NP. Another issue with that framework of thought: If the person were to hit NP he could be left feeling unsatisfied with the result of his hard work. Whether we like it or not we are slaves to our natural given limits, be it from whatever you want to call it (God, nature, universe, or nothing). That doesn’t stop us from ploughing away and hitting NP because if we don’t then that is truthful unfulfillment, and achieving NP is truly a magnificent triumph even if you still can’t beat your compatriot in your passion or break a certain record.

I believe our best bet of reaching potential is putting our heads down and working our socks off with a passion to learn about what we are passionate about. Since we may have or haven’t yet reached our NP we might as well roll-up our sleeves and find out.